About us
High-quality results achieved on time.
Having vast and extensive experience in construction, Baupolen team are able to calculate the terms of each type of work with a high degree of accuracy and precision. We bear the responsibility for the quality, safety and reliability of each project.
If our client needs to put a project on a temporary pause, we don’t withdraw from the project. We always carry through all our projects till they’re fully completed.
If a customer has a delay with the materials delivery, we definitely wait till it’s done. And promptly delegate additional employees to the construction spot to complete the project on time.
About us in numbers
60+ completed projects per year
100+ employees on the team
300+ realized projects
10+ cities in 4 countries where we’ve constructed buildings for various intended use.

Our assets:
• four years’ experience and highly qualified staff;
• established business reputation of a reliable partner;
• reasonable and affordable prices for our services;
• high efficiency in order fulfillment;
• great responsibility and guaranteed quality of work
We offer all types of construction work:
- Construction of residential complexes including multistoried buildings, cottages, multileveled underground parking areas.
- Construction of industrial buildings, among them warehouses, plants and factories.
- Construction of bridges.
- Renovation and restoration of old buildings and premises.
- Concrete monolithic work, reinforcement and installation of formwork.
- Concrete masonry and block work.
- Facade (exterior house) work.
- Arrangement of the clinker facades.
- Interior finishing work.
- Electrical installation work.

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Ne quis mediocrem sit, dolor reprimique nec id, quo no scaevola vituperata.